What are your priorities for collective bargaining?

Although APUO sent out a survey last week to identify member priorities, your APUO representatives are busy crafting a survey that is specific to librarian concerns. Please help your collective bargaining committee and negotiating team by clearly identifying your priorities for bargaining. The link to the online survey will be emailed to members shortly.

Is the Future of Academic Status at the University of Toronto Being Questioned?

St. Mike’s administrators have offered monetary remuneration on the condition that faculty and librarians at the college give up academic status, their tenure and permanent status in their first negotiations to secure a collective agreement. We have seen academic status threatened south of the border now we are seeing it at one of the University of Toronto’s affiliated colleges. As St. Mike’s college is a member of the University’s Faculty of Arts & Sciences, even though they have a semi-autonomous status, this has raised many questions in the community. Tenure ensures academic freedom which is essential to an atmosphere conducive to the free search for truth and the attainment of excellence in the University. On Oct. 8, less than a week, faculty and librarians will be in a lockout or strike situation simply because they will not be bought and give up their belief that tenure and permanent status is a core component of teaching and research at a publicly-funded, academic institution. We urge the community to become informed and realize that what is happening at St. Mike’s could just as easily happen in another sector of our community. We can say it doesn’t involve us, close eyes and forget it is happening – but can we really do that? Are these not the values we uphold as academic librarians?

Collective Agreement Reading and Discussion Group 2012 Edition

Thanks to feedback from the March 2012 librarians’ meeting, the Collective Agreement Reading and Discussion Group, an ad hoc group whose goal is to familiarize APUO librarians with their Collective Agreement will be meeting again this summer. We will meet for 1.5 hours on the following dates:

June 6, 13, 20 and July 11, 18, 25 from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.

The six meetings will loosely follow a structure based on themes in the CA, such as:

1. Governance at UO

2. Appointments, Rank and Promotion

3. Workload, Review, PTR

4. LPC

5. Discipline, Grievances

6. Leaves

The agenda is not fixed, input is most welcome.

No one has to commit to all meetings. It’s totally drop-in, drop-out as schedules and interest permit. Email Jennifer Dekker for room locations.